Good Gracious! Great balls of flowers!
Join Whiteside County Master Gardeners March 11, 2023 for the second in the series, Spend Saturday with a Master Gardener, as they delve into the world of flowers with "Good Gracious! Great balls of flowers!" You might remember Hydrangeas from your childhood, fall in love with them again today! The beautiful flowers produced by this plant is what makes them so popular. Most put on a showy display from early spring all the way into fall. The large flowers come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Discover the many varieties and colors available today. Pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited, register online at or by calling (815) 632-3611 Ext 209
Date and Time
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Saturday March 11. 20-23 10AM - Noon
Whiteside County Extension Office Lawrence Rd. Sterling, IL.
Free register at:
Contact Information
Mary Nelson
(815) 632-3611 Ext 209
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